Pittsburgh Interior Design + Branding Photography

Kitchens, Baths, Interiors, and Branding


Kitchens, Baths, Interiors, and Branding

downtown PPG plaza engagement photo • Interior Design + Branding Photography
mellon park engagement photo session • Interior Design + Branding Photography
mt washington engagment photos • Interior Design + Branding Photography
heinz chapel engagement picture • Interior Design + Branding Photography
roberto clemente bridge yellow pittsburgh photo • Interior Design + Branding Photography
engagement photo with corgi • Interior Design + Branding Photography
wedding photos from oakmont country club • Interior Design + Branding Photography
phipps conservatory engagement photographer • Interior Design + Branding Photography
university of pittsburgh engagement picture • Interior Design + Branding Photography
yellow bridge engagement picture pittsburgh rivers • Interior Design + Branding Photography
Marketing and project photos on your to-do list?

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Why choose Leeann?

Experience & Expertise:

I have photographed hundreds of interiors and events over the years. Whether you are Instagram pros or just getting started on your professional photography journey, I will tailor your photo shoot to your style and preferences. I can also offer my expert opinion on what kind of photography works best for your marketing needs.

My Unique Artistic Vision:

As with all of my images displayed here, your gallery will be beautifully-lit, crisp, clear, and true-to-life. I incorporate both ‘lifestyle’ (blurry background images) and project details (everything clear) into your galleries. 

Customized Sessions:

With all of my experience comes a vast knowledge of what to do and what not to do! I like to talk with my design and branding clients prior to our scheduled photo shoot time to gain a better understanding of exactly how you plan to use the images. Are you submitting for magazine ads? Social media? Let’s talk about your specific needs, so you get a gallery that works for you!

Comfortable and Relaxing Environment:

While I’m a true professional in all that I do – I’m also just a normal person who loves getting to know others. I truly want to talk with you and get to know you as a designer and business – meeting people is one of the highlights of my job! On the day of the photo shoot, I’ll arrive with a pre-planned list of photos to focus on, all of my gear, and a ready to go attitude.

How do we choose a date?

I have a published online calendar where you can choose the date and time that works best for you and/or your clients. When we discuss your photography needs, we will also get a good time for how long the photo shoot will last, so that you can schedule your time and your client’s accordingly.

What are the rates?

Each photo shoot is billed based on the amount of time utilized to capture the photos on-site. This rate is billed to the main party, but can be separated if multiple parties are involved and will be purchasing usage rights as well. The service rates include lighting, travel, editing, and photography time.

You can view current rates using the link above.

What are per party usage rates?

Each party that would like access to the images and use of the images is required to pay a usage rate. Rates vary based on how you plan to use them – i.e. just on social media, in print ads, on billboards. 

I can send separate invoices to each party for their usage fee.

Can we do more than one room?

Yes! We will discuss on our call how many spaces you need photographed, and plan our time according to the photo needs list. That can include as many project spaces as necessary!

Can I be in some photos for branding purposes?

Yes! I photograph people all the time, so being in your photos is a great idea! These images are perfect to market your services with a personal touch, and to especially use on your ‘About’ page and social media.

What if we need to reschedule?

We can reschedule if necessary, although I do ask out of kindness to not indefinitely postpone our scheduled photo shoots. Thank you!

Will you help us with staging?

I certainly can, and will let you know if there is anything too distracting included in images. I always ask my designers to be on-hand for photo shoots so that we can be certain that design aesthetic is perfect for your vision, and know what should and should not be included in images (i.e. garbage cans, vents, etc)

When will our images be delivered?

Galleries are typically delivered 2-3 weeks after the session.

How are our images delivered?

Images are delivered via a link to a private, online gallery. Images are in high-resolution format with no watermarks. You can download the images and have the rights to print.

Can we schedule multiple photo shoots with you?

Yes. If you have numerous projects that you would like photographed, we can schedule them based on your client availability throughout the year.
